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英語學系 國文學系 美術學系 地理學系
歷史學研究所 翻譯研究所 台灣文學研究所 兒童英語研究所


Department of Geography | Congratulations to Our Students for Receiving Funding from the NSTC for the 113th Undergraduate Research Projects

Congratulations to our students for receiving funding from the NSTC for the 113th Undergraduate Research Projects.

Project Title: "Finding a Home: The Challenges of Pet Owners Renting Housing"
Student: Qiao-yi Wu (Class of 114)
Advising Professor: Qing-mu Chen

Project Title: "Impact of Mangrove Expansion on Flooding in the Tidal Reach of Erlin River and Vegetation Thinning Strategies"
Student: Yu-nong Yang (Class of 114)
Advising Professor: Yi-qing Chen

Project Title: "Are We on the Same Side? Exploring the Impact of Anti-China Sentiment in Taiwan on the Sense of Place for Mainland Chinese Female Spouses Post-COVID-19"
Student: Yu-jie Han (Class of 114)
Advising Professor: Yu-ling Song

Related Link: https://wsts.nstc.gov.tw/STSWeb/Award/AwardMultiQuery.aspx

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